Thursday 30 June 2016

How can I support my team more effectively?


How to manage people and be a better leader


Management Skills: Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Emotions are part of being human and part of how we work. In small businesses though where expectations often resources low. The manager there the additional pressure to set the tone by appearing in control while managing your team. There are many types of skill in the manager.

Following are the managing Emotions in the Workplace:

  • Acting Superhuman: A Set Up for Failure 
  • The Link Between Gender and Crying 
  • When the Going Gets Tough 

                           Management Skills: Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Wednesday 29 June 2016

How Can I Start Living a Happier Life Today?


Tips for Living a Happy Life Starting Right Now


Following are the ways  for Living a Happy Life Starting Right Now:

  • People care about you, not your success.
  • Take action.
  • Be grateful everyday.
  • Donnot take rejection personally.
  • Have a backup plan.
  • Improve your social skill.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Directors Duties


Managing Director Responsibilities

Managing Director is to control and oversee all business operations and people . You will be the highest ranking manager in the organisation all  business and will be responsible for the overall success of the business.

Following are the Responsibilities of a managing director:

1.Develop and execute the company’s.

2.Communicate and maintain trustable  relationship with shareholders.

3.Act as a public speaker.

4. Analyze problematic situations.

Saturday 18 June 2016



Strangest Plants On Earth


Amazing Nature


Wednesday 15 June 2016



Simple things you can do to help save our planet

At all the planets one thing that makes Earth unique is the presence of a superb form of intelligent life called the human race.Somewhere on the way, the human race has forgotten to acknowledge the planet that gave it life; and used its resources ruthlessly. The World Environment Day make the human race realise the importance of saving the environment by adopting green measures. It is a vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for environment.

1. Pay attention to what you are buying
2. Recycle
3. Be mindful of what you throw away
4. Become a vegetarian
5. Volunteer
6. Give meaningful gifts
7. Go paperless
