Friday 29 July 2016

Steps to grow your business

Steps to grow your business

1 Have a vision and plan to get there
2 Be clear about your difference
3 Build business system to alleviate growing pains
4 Align your staff with your business
5 Be disciplined with your growth strategy

Thursday 28 July 2016

How Motivation is Driven by Purpose - and not Monetary Incentives

Powerful Reasons Why You Should Believe in Yourself

  • You are one step closer to winning and succeeding
  • You form positive attitude required to success.
  • You let the negative thoughts fade away
  •  If you do not believe in yourself, who else will?
  • You realize failure is part of the process and temporary
  • You are one step closer to winning and succeeding

Wednesday 27 July 2016

On The Importance Of Goal Setting: 6 Reasons Why You Need To Set Goals

1.Goals Tell You What You Truly WantGoals


 2.Transform Insurmountable Mountains Into Walkable Hills
3.Goals Help Us Believe In Ourselves
4.Goals Help Us Live Life To The Fullest

Setting Goals

Goal setting ppt


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Best Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses With Limited Budgets

Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses With Limited Budgets

1.Publish Great Content.

2.Get Ad Promo Credits

3.Create Instructional Videos

                       youtube cheap marketing
                      marketing with a tight budget

5.Stumble Upon Advertising

                           stumble upon advertising

6.Be a Savvy Social Networker.

7.DIY Infographics

                        infographics marketing tactic

 8.Lounge About on LinkedIn

                        marketing tactics for small budgets

9.Develop a Customer Referral Program.

10.Online Contests.

11.Apply Online for Business Awards.

Monday 25 July 2016

18 Habits of Unsuccessful People

The Importance of Setting Short-Term Goals

The planning required to complete a research project. To losses of this business and setting short-term goals keeps your business on track.


Following are the steps :

  • The Short-Term Goals
  • The Long-Term Goal

The Various Aspects of Short-Term Goals:

  • Marketing
  • Expansion
  • Finance
  • Branding

Saturday 23 July 2016

The Reason for Setting Long Term Goals in Business - VideoScribe Animation

Reasons You Need to Set Business Goals

There are many business owners still think that way regardless of their size. When I finally made the commitment to do some future business planning. My only goal when I first launched Formula was to ensure that I made enough money to survive the subsequent month.


Following are the reasons of you need to set the goal:

  • Reassess Goals Mid-Year
  • Measure Success
  • Knowledge Is Power

Friday 22 July 2016

Software Development Project Management Methodologies

Project Development Stages

Project Initiation.:

Do not start a project with the attitude that it will all work out in the end.  If you want to keep control of your project.


Specifications for the project.:

 The reason for this is that you are delivering the project on behalf of the sponsor. It is vital during this project specifications stage that you remember the purpose of the project.


  This is when you translate the what is required in to how it will be done. At this stage you can hand over some of your initial plans to the specialists.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Nikon Unveiled: Shooting Your Own Product Shots

Cover All the Bases in Your Business Description

That serving french fries means you will have to install deep grease traps in the sewer line, and fire extinguishing systems. But maybe you will go broke when all the grease addicts go next door.On the other hand, by not serving fried foods you will save a lot of money in the kitchen.

Type of Business:

  • Wholesale
  • Manufacturing. 
  • Retail. 
  • Project development.
  • Manufacturing.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Personal Goal Setting - We Can Help | Setting Life Goals

Setting Lifetime Goals

To try to set goals in some of the following categories and  give a balanced coverage of all important areas in your life.

Following are the Setting lifetime Goals:

  • Education
  • Attitude 
  • Pleasure 
  • Financial 
  • Career 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

How The “Big Five” Personality Traits in Science Can Help you Build a More Effective team


Characteristics of a good team and team member

  • The members have thought hard about creative solutions to the problem.
  • Everyone takes initiative to get things done.
  • The team is willing to take risks.
  • Each teammate trusts the judgement of the others.
  • Team decisions are made using organized, logical methods.
  • Dissenting opinions are recorded.
  • Full team acceptance is expected as decisions are made.
  • Team goals are given realistic time frames.
  • Everyone is focused on the ultimate goal of the project.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Relations with Shareholders and Other Stakeholders

In Our relationship with shareholders and other stakeholders is critical to our future success. The constructive communications with shareholders and wider stakeholders including Vendors and market participants,industry associations, suppliers/business partners etc.

  • General meetings
  • Shareholding analysis 
  • Stakeholder communications

Saturday 16 July 2016

How are Team Roles Defined?

Many ways to go about describing team roles. The first is personality based. The second uses functional descriptions. The third uses thinking style. Here are three alternative perspectives of looking at team roles.
Following are the ways of team roles:

  • Completer Finisher 
  • Monitor Evaluator
  • Shaper 
  • Teamworker
  • Implementer

The meaning of TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More !


characteristics of team members


Friday 15 July 2016

Mindset of High Performance Organizations


The Comprehensive Approach to Adult and Juvenile Sex Offender Management


A comprehensive approach to team building

The team building for high performance requires a more comprehensive approach.It is  Depending on where the team.To  learning  psychometric profiling of team members, communication skills and how to teams are formed,.

Following are the some of skills that support effective teams: -

  • Forming
  • Communication
  • Understanding team processes
  • Goal setting
  • Developing shared vision, mission and values
  • Developing a team identity
  • Understanding team roles
  • Developing shared vision, mission and values
  • Setting well formed outcomes
  • Discovering and interpreting personal profiles

Thursday 14 July 2016

Essential things you need to know about running a successful business.


  • Accept that learning more equals earning more
  • Find ways to exponentially increase profits. 
  • Not just what you want to sell,offer what people want to buy,
  • When planning, always overestimate expenses and underestimate revenues. 
  • Get cash flowing ASAP
  • Always find new ways to keep costs low
  • Focus on sales and marketing manically
  • Test and measure everything.

One of the BEST Motivational Videos


The Importance of Task Delegation


Wednesday 13 July 2016

business associates

what is business development associate

Business development associates is looking for new ways to boost sales. It's up to them to forge new relationships with in business clients and maintain. A strong "biz dev" associate is well-organized and a good communicator.
                                     Image result for what is business development associate

Saturday 9 July 2016

Qualities To Be A Leader


Impressive Characteristics Great Leaders Have

Good leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and they certainly are not limited to a particular industry. A great leader can be anyone from a politician. There are certain things that all great leaders have in common.

  • Focus 
  • Transparency
  • Inspiration
  • Confidence
  • Integrity

Friday 8 July 2016

Qualities of Leadership




In a teamwork the project divided in to the groups. There are different types of skills in the team group members.

Following are the types of skills :


Wednesday 6 July 2016

Performance Improvement Plans


How to Develop a Performance Improvement Plan


A performance improvement plan is a standard tool to assist employees who are under performing. The purpose of a performance improvement plan is to help an employee address and correct any issues in his or her work.

Following  are the improvement plan for a  employees:

  • Firstly identify the problems .
  • Developing An Action Plan
  • Following Up
  • Take action. 

Tuesday 5 July 2016

BPO services

In BPO services which includes internal business functions. BPO services are divide in two categories. In BPO services are include the billing or purchasing.

 Types of BPO categories:

  • Front office 
  • back office 

Front office provider services list :

  • Customer service
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Telemarketing

Self-Love Affirmations: "I am Beautiful" Affirm your Self Worth


Monday 4 July 2016

Types of bussiness structure

Image result for types of business structure images

How to Establish a Performance Improvement Plan

A performance improvement plan, also known as a performance action plan, is a great way to give struggling employees the opportunity to succeed  accountable for past performance. It is not always clear why an employee has poor performance.

                                             Image result for How to Establish a Performance Improvement Plan  images 

Saturday 2 July 2016

Top 5 Environmental Issues


Environmental Problems


Environmental Problems

In our environment there are many types of problem .Environment is constantly changing.As our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems.
                                      Earth is fragile.

what types of environmental problems our planet is facing?

  • Water Pollution 
  •  Natural Resource Depletion 
  • Global Warming
  • Waste Disposal
  • Air pollution

Friday 1 July 2016

Creating sustainable value for a business


Business sustainability

Business sustainability means  the management and coordination of environmental.Corporate sustainability is also known as the business sustainability. In socially ethical practices may initially cost a business money.
In a broader context, environmental,social and economic demands are considered the three pillars of business  sustainability.

Business and Sustainable Development:
  • Key issues
  • Working with NGOs
  • Markets:
  • Training opportunities: 
  • Banking and investment: