Wednesday 12 October 2016

Outlook: Priority actions and requirements for responsible peatlands management

Priority Actions

  • Build International Capacity
  • Enhance Intelligence
  • Protect the Financial System 
  • Strengthen Interdiction
  • Disrupt Drug Trafficking 
  • Strategic Markets against Transnational Organized Crime
  • Taking Shared Responsibility for Transnational Organized Crime

Friday 7 October 2016

Tree Tutorial in 7 minutes with Decision Tree Analysis & Decision Tree Example

Decision by consensus

  • I do not agree with the decision.
  • I find the decision acceptable.
  • I can live with the decision, but I’m not especially enthusiastic about it.
  • I can say an unqualified “yes” to the decision.
  • I do not fully agree with the decision, but I do not choose to block it.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Managing Ethics in the Workplace - CAI 2013 Annual Conference

General workplace management

  • Information
  • Emergency plans
  • Personal protective equipment
  • General working environment
  • Remote or isolated work
  • Storage of flammable
  • Managing risks from airborne contaminants
  • Combustible substances and falling objects.
  • Hazardous atmospheres

Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Objectives of Firms - Economics A2 Level Unit 3

Alternative aims of firms

1. Profit Satisficing

  • This principal agent problem can be overcom
  • In many firms there is separation of ownership and control.

2. Sales maximisation
  • Increased market share increases monopoly power.
  • Managers prefer to work for bigger companies.

3. Growth maximisation
4. Long run profit maximisation.
5.environmental concerns

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Monday 3 October 2016

Understanding how important communication is in a group's decision-making process

How to choose a major

  1.  Self-Assessment

  • Skills 
  • Interests
  • Working Conditions
    2. Explore Careers and Majors  

  •  Networking 
  • On the job exposure
  • Decision making
  3. Developing an action plan

  4.Job Search  

  • Resume 
  • Interview 

Saturday 1 October 2016

Friday 30 September 2016

Types of PlansTypes of Plans

What should regulators do to meet social objectives set by policy-makers?

  • Translating social goals into measurable targets.
  • Design alternative payment methods for the poor.
  • Resolve disputes and handle poor customers’ complaints.
  • Set out tariff level and structure.

                            Image result for Our Objectives

Thursday 29 September 2016

Global Blindness course: Principles of planning: Aims and objectives

Global Objectives:

Today because of global the entire world has become a big market.This change has brought about increase in competition in the market. There was a very rigid policy for import.   Previously India had very restricted business relationship with other nations.  Goods produced in one country are readily available in other countries. which may be called the global objectives.

Folloing are the some points of global objectives:

  • Reduce Disparities among Nations:
  • Raise General Standard of Living:
  • Make Available Globally Competitive Goods

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Business Studies - Corporate Aims & Objectives: Business Exam Tips

Aims and objectives

  • A positive free cash flow.
  • Ongoing active role both in public debate on future modes of transport.
  • Constant improvement of its products' technical performance.
  • An economic performance well above the cost of capital employed.

Monday 26 September 2016

Ten Common Time Management Mistakes

10 Common Time Management Mistakes

  • Failing to Manage Distractions
  • Your Time Is Your Life
  • Not Setting Personal Goals
  •  Poor Time Management
  • Taking on too Much
  • Importance Versus Urgency
  • Not Prioritizing
  •  Thriving on Busy
  •  Procrastination
  • Failing to Keep a To-Do List
  • Multitasking

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Mental Fitness Minute - 15 Minutes To Better Mental Focus

Identify Meaningful Long-Term Goals

1.Set specific long-term goals

  • Review these goals
  • Evaluate and revise

2.Write Down Your Goals

3.Strengthen Self-Regulation

  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Discipline
  • Locus of Control

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Benefits of Using Social Media Marketing For Your Business

Benefits of Social Media for Business

   Other sites might not have as many members. A quick look at the numbers shows why social media networks have become increasing important for business success. Social media has changed the way that people communicate. These numbers should compel every business owner. Social media helped businesses connect with existing customers while introducing new consumers to their products. Just one year later that number grew to 92%.

                  Image result for Advantages of using social media in business

Sunday 18 September 2016

Achieving your goals

  • Time frame 
  • Responsibilities 
  • The desired outcome
  • Actions
  • Resources 
                         Image result for Time frame  Responsibilities  The desired outcome Actions Resources

Friday 16 September 2016

Advantages of using social media in business

Academic leader Neil Shipman feels that the critical skills for time management are:

  • Scheduling specific time for each activity
  • Structuring your time
  • Setting goals and priorities
  • Scheduling relaxation time in order to regenerate
  • Being aware of yourself 
  • Increasing personal efficiency and effectiveness
                                 Image result for Academic leader Neil Shipman feels that the critical skills for time management are:

Thursday 15 September 2016

Benefits of Social Media for Business

  • Gain valuable customer insights.
  • Increase brand awareness and loyalty.
  • Run targeted ads with real-time results.
  • Generate higher converting leads.
  •  Provide rich customer experiences
                            Image result for Benefits of Social Media for Business

Thinking Skills & Video Games -TIME MANAGEMENT

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Social Media to Increase Your Search Visibility

Image result for Social media

1.Dominate Your SERP
2.Stand Out Visually With YouTube Video
3.Reach Influencers to Support Quality Backlinks

Benefits of Social Media for Business

Benefits of Social Media for Business

1.Gain valuable customer insights
2. Increase brand awareness and loyalty
3. Run targeted ads with real-time results
4. Generate higher converting leads

Sunday 11 September 2016

The Effects of Environment and Culture on Language Development

                  Image result for environment skill development tips

Ways to Improve Your Business Language Skills Quickly

Ways to Improve Your Business Language Skills Quickly

1. Increase Your Vocabulary
2. Read Business-Related Material
3. Play Games
4. Watch Business-Oriented Programs
5. Practice

Saturday 10 September 2016


Habits Successful People Give Up to Increase Their Productivity

  • They don’t lie to themselves.
  • They don’t fear asking for advice.
  • They don’t procrastinate in asking for feedback.
  • They don’t multitask. 
  • They don’t do without first learnin
  • They don’t work in their comfort zone.
  • They don’t follow, they lead.
                        Image result for Habits Successful People Give Up to Increase Their Productivity

Friday 9 September 2016

Performance management


  • Work Planning and Performance Review System
  • How to Develop Performance Objectives 
  • How to Develop Job Descriptions
                           Image result for PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TOOL

Thursday 8 September 2016

Custom Response Based On User Choices


Your work group has looked at the problem .  Now is the time to step back and ask what the entire body of data has to say. The final analysis of alternatives is mainly an opportunity to integrate.   This final analysis helps you see what can and cannot be done to achieve your goals. This is the stage where you compare.

                           Image result for EVALUATE ALTERNATIVES AND MAKE SMART CHOICES

Wednesday 7 September 2016

What to Do? Problem Solving & Decision Making Training, Seattle, WA, Loc & Learn LLC

Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making

 First time solutions to major new problems. It identifies the key concepts of creative thinking The best way forward for the success of organizations. Staff responsible for the development of new ideas making.  This is an essential course for those who believe that change.

                             Image result for Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Insect Vision: Ommatidium Structure and Function

How to Create a Shared Vision That Works


Step 1: Create a Compelling Team Vision
Step 2: Honestly Describe the Current Reality
Step 3: Identify Key Strategies and “Structural Integrity” that Support Moving Forward
Step 4: Plan for Involvement and Communication
Step 5: Make Personal Commitments

Monday 5 September 2016

Asking for something Listening section

Offer Something Before Asking for Something

When we blog, create content, speak, do a workshop.We are building the foundation for trust that underlies relationships that endure.  We are serving and helping. When we educate, help and inspire others with our experience .

                             Image result for Offer Something Before Asking for Something

Saturday 3 September 2016

Problem Solving and Decision Making.

  •  Objectives After reading the chapter
  • Decision Making & Problem Solving In decision making
  • The Plan Do Check Adjust Cycle The PDCA cycle consists of 4 major components.
  • Toyota Practical Problem Solving Process
  • Objective Versus Subjective Decision Making Objective decision making.
  •  Scientific Decision Making & Problem Solving Scientific.
  •  Complexity of the Scientific Approach Complexity means nonproductive.
  • The Decision Making Process The decision making process.
                                  Image result for Problem Solving and Decision Making. Objectives After reading the chapter and reviewing the materials presented the students will be able to: on youtube

Introduction To Accounting Ch-1 | 11th Grade Commerce CBSE - Inside Commerce

Problem Solving and Decision Making. Objectives After reading the chapter and reviewing the materials presented the students will be able to:

                           Image result for Advantages and disadvantages of using a group to solve a problem:

Friday 2 September 2016

How to get your study magazine ready in advance in 2016

How to study the magazine

  •  I study the magazine’s thickness. 
  • I study the magazine’s audience and readership.
  • I study the magazine’s advertisers. 
  • I study what the magazine has already published. 
  • I study the magazine’s writers and what they write and how they write.
  • I study the magazine’s frequency. 
  • I study the magazine’s tone.
Image result for How to study the magazine

Thursday 1 September 2016

Employee Engagement - Who's Sinking Your Boat?

Grow the relationship.

  • Dig deeper 
  • Train a liaison 
  • Give meetings you both benefit from Don't use meetings as only sales opportunities. 
  • Provide services

Perpetuate the relationship.

  • Take care of their employees.
  • Become part of the woodwork At the bank that switched to us every year.
  • Report results Regularly show the corporation the impact their investment has.
  • Recognize your corporate partners.
  • Create Giving Levels 

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Types of Control


  • Concurrent Controls
  • Feedback Controls
  • Control as a Feedback Loop
  • Outcome and Behavioral Controls

    • Behavioral controls involve the direct evaluation of managerial
    • Financial and Nonfinancial Controls

    Tuesday 30 August 2016

    Science Of Persuasion

    When you're writing web content, keep these things in mind:

    1.Always hyperlink to your sources.

    2. Keyword stuffing is never okay.

    3. Email vs. e-mail and Internet vs. internet.

    4.  Always start with keyword research for SEO.

    5. Make the reader happy.

    6. Keep the action in your content writing.

    7. When writing for the web, chop it up.

    8. Update your links.

    9. Don’t forget the extra SEO juice.

                           web content writing tips

    Monday 29 August 2016

    How To Improve Math Skills

    Types of teams



    People might suggest the following:

    • Be the first recommendation of brokers.
    • Get drivers to think of us before they have an accident.
    • Be the first choice for insurance companies.
    • When people think insurance they think of our name first.
    • Be in front of people.
    • Double the number of people who call our number.
    • Get more people to know us.
    • Make our name the best known of local businesses.
    • Make customers think of us first.
                           Image result for IMPROVE YOUR BRAINSTORM OUTPUT BY REDEFINING THE PROBLEM

    Tuesday 23 August 2016

    Creating Emotion in the Reader

    Creating Emotion in the Reader
    I wrote an article on the importance of creating emotions in readers.
    1.  Write in scenes, showing rather than telling
    2.    Force your character into making a decision between a bad choice and a worse choice.
    3.  Make a character unsympathetic, so the reader feels anger or repugnance toward him.
    4 .Adjust the pace for the emotion you want to create
    5. Choose words with deliberation.

    Saturday 20 August 2016

    Logging in & Intranet Overview

    Intranet Overview


    Coming together for legendary customer service using HipChat

    #1: Be on top of the most important stuff

    • Automated notifications make sure you never miss any critical issue 
    • Dedicated rooms keep your conversations directed to a common topic. 

    #2: Collaborate, celebrate, and share

    #3: Practice real-time customer service teamwork

    #4: Have tons of fun


    Thursday 18 August 2016

    The Problem Solving Cycle – An effective step-by-step approach to find viable solutions

    1. State the Problem

    2. Redefine the Problem

    3. Identify Constraints

    4. Set General Specifications

    5. Identify Alternative Solutions

     6.Select the Most Viable Alternative

    6. Redefine the Problem

    7. Refine and Add Specifications

    8. Brainstorm Alternatives

    10. Select the Most Viable Alternative

    The Problem Solving Cycle


    How to Handle The Irate Customer - Training Course

    Winning Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People


    Dealing With Unhappy Customers

    • Adjust Your Mindset'
    • Repeat Their Concerns
    • Present a Solution
    • Use the Feedback
    • Take Action and Follow-up
    • Be Empathic and Apologize


    Wednesday 17 August 2016

    Principles of Goal Setting

    7 Goal-Setting Tips


    Principles of Goal Setting

    • Develop goal achievement strategies.
    • Provide evaluation of and feedback about goals.
    • Consider participants’ personalities  
    • Provide goal support.
    • Foster an individual’s goal commitment.

    Thursday 11 August 2016

    The Seven Ps of the Marketing Mix: Marketing Strategies

    Two Ways To Get Loyalty From Your Customers

    Ways to reward loyal customers

    Tom Whitney outlines ten ways to reward loyal customers.Special buying opportunities to regular customers shows them that you value their custom.


    • Give away free items with multiple purchases. 
    • Team up with an associated business to offer reciprocal discounts. 
    • Hold a preview evening.
    • Take your best customers for a day out. 
    • Offer cumulative discounts on selected lines. 
    • Reward introductions and referrals. 

    Wednesday 10 August 2016

    Ways to Keep Customers for Life

    • Reward your customers. 
    • There is no better way to build loyalty.
    • Send thank-you notes. Make sure they are handwritten and sent promptly.
    • Return phone calls promptly. 
    • Do what you say you are going to do.
    • Do things when you say you’re going to do them.
    • Under-promise and over-deliver.


    How to create loyal customers

    Tuesday 9 August 2016

    5 Big Benefits of Selling Digital Products

    Benefits of Cross Selling

    • Enhance customer profitability.
    • Stimulates universe expansion and entry into new markets.

    • Existing customers, low and high margin products and segments.

    • Discourages customer attrition, improves customer loyalty.

    • Differentiates from competition, enhances market position.

    • Builds customer equity.

    • Promotes diversification and innovation.


    Monday 8 August 2016

    Big data framework

    In our work we have developed a framework to understand big data strategies. When developing big data capabilities companies try to measure.The first dimension that we consider is labeled business objective.

    Figure 1

    Saturday 6 August 2016

    Celebrating Customer Care Week with Fans

    How would you handle Customer Service Dream Team:

     The  outstanding customer and service foundation of good culture.

    Following are the points:

    • How much your employees are willing to do for your customers
    • What your employees say and how they say it
    • Overall job satisfaction
    • The service goals your employees set for themselves

    Friday 5 August 2016

    Do you Dare to Dream? - Goals - Aspirations - Comfort Zone

    The Importance of Setting Goals and How to Effectively Set Them


    Set difficult but realistic goals:

     Difficult goals often produce better performance than moderate or easy goal.This leads to feeling frustrated.

    Set goals in terms that can be measured:

    These are mostly generalizations that we all try to accomplish on a daily basis. You want to be able to measure performance that relates to a specific goal.

    Set short-term and long-term goals:

    Accomplishing these short-term goals leads to momentum.  Short-term and long-term goals work in tandem.

    Thursday 4 August 2016

    Segmentation video

    What is Customer Segmentation?

    • The practice of dividing a company customers into groups. The goal of segmenting customers is to decide how to relate to customers. 
    • The Importance of Customer Segmentation
    • The large amount of data available on customers a customer segmentation analysis allows  to identify discrete groups of customers.  
    • Marketing communications
    • Target prospects with the greatest profit potential
    • Optimize your sales-channel mix
    • Develop new products
    • Develop differentiated customer servicing & retention strategies

    Wednesday 3 August 2016

    Top Internet Marketing Techniques

    Types of Market Research Surveys That Smart Marketers Use

    General Brand Awareness

    • Brand Attitudes and Perceptions
    • Brand Usage
    • Purchase Intent

    Gauging Customer Satisfaction Levels With Surveys:

    • Target Audience
    • Timing:
    • Incentive:
    • Survey Frequency
    • Perceived Benefit

    Market Research Surveys to Measure Customer Attitudes and Expectations:

    Product Research Types of Surveys:

    • Performance in Relation to Expectations
    • How Well a Product Conforms to Specifications
    • Reliability
    • Features
    Performance in Relation to Expectations

    How Well a Product Conforms to Specifications

    Quick Content Creation - Your Best Customers Are Looking for You

    Monday 1 August 2016

    Know who your best customers are

    The  best customers are can help you improve customer satisfaction. Increasing sales to your existing customers is more cost-effective than winning new ones.

    Work out how profitable your customers are

    Customers tend to be more profitable if they:

    • don’t cancel or amend orders
    • pay full price without negotiating discounts
    • pay on time without being chased for payment
    • place a small number of large orders rather than many 
    • buy high-margin products
    • small orders
    • don’t require extensive after-sales service.

    Friday 29 July 2016

    Steps to grow your business

    Steps to grow your business

    1 Have a vision and plan to get there
    2 Be clear about your difference
    3 Build business system to alleviate growing pains
    4 Align your staff with your business
    5 Be disciplined with your growth strategy

    Thursday 28 July 2016

    How Motivation is Driven by Purpose - and not Monetary Incentives

    Powerful Reasons Why You Should Believe in Yourself

    • You are one step closer to winning and succeeding
    • You form positive attitude required to success.
    • You let the negative thoughts fade away
    •  If you do not believe in yourself, who else will?
    • You realize failure is part of the process and temporary
    • You are one step closer to winning and succeeding

    Wednesday 27 July 2016

    On The Importance Of Goal Setting: 6 Reasons Why You Need To Set Goals

    1.Goals Tell You What You Truly WantGoals


     2.Transform Insurmountable Mountains Into Walkable Hills
    3.Goals Help Us Believe In Ourselves
    4.Goals Help Us Live Life To The Fullest

    Setting Goals

    Goal setting ppt